Prince Edward County’s Newspaper of Record
July 26, 2024
24° Mainly Sunny

Volume 194 No. 14

April 3, 2024
Volume 194
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On the Stage
April 3, 2024

Prince Edward Community Theatre opens its 2024 season this weekend with comedy Two on the Aisle, Three in a Van

April 3, 2024

Home is about place, not simply real estate, but a physical relation to history and landscape  — the limestone outcrops, the tilled fields, the pull of the Big Lake.

April 10, 2024

The gloves come off come April 18

April 2, 2024

Kings denied a berth at the Ontario Minor Hockey Association championships

April 3, 2024

First edition of the County Arts Mentorship Program a resounding success

Food and Wine
April 5, 2024

A little bit of Scotland on Picton Main Street

April 3, 2024

April 8th may see an influx of sun-gazing visitors

Food and Wine
April 5, 2024

A second act for Picton Main Street's 7 Numbers



Canada’s oldest weekly newspaper
© 2024 The Picton Gazette
Since 1830
Funded by the Government of Canada
Ontario Community Newspapers Association