The Gazette's Fall series features screenings and readings about the Newspaper Film genre
Lynne Grist's second time-travelling tale satisfies young readers
Architectural Conservancy of Ontario Celebrates 40th Anniversary of Landmark Volume
Steven Spielberg’s The Post begins in the second half of Katharine Graham’s memoir, Personal History: the nerve-wracking moment the newly bereaved Graham had to address the Board of Directors of the Washington Post
Dr. Marie Wilson, a member of the TRC, was in town to discuss North of Nowhere, a reflective account of six years in the field.
Former Gazette columnist Terry Sprague, who penned his popular Nature Stuff column for close to 50 years, offers a look at life, living and loss in his sixth book, The Two of Us
The County's latest publisher, Assembly Press, launches its first book — a toast to local brewers, vintners and distillers
Two recent books are entries in a special genre. Neither quite history nor entirely fiction, they imagine the past in intriguing ways.
Full house at opening Authors Festival event chooses its book of the year
Painted film a bold choice to kick off The County’s new film festival
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