We have come to expect zero in the way of moral or ethical considerations from the companies, and the countries, we nevertheless patronize, even if they deny workers the right to unionize, never mind exploit child labour.
Tourism can be a double-edged sword. Find a striking location, an enviable place to live, full of vibrant interest, unique unto itself, and destroy it. Turn it into a cleaned up, micromanaged, staged version of what it once was. Make it into a backdrop for “experiences,” expensive accommodations, and overpriced restaurants. Let the public run roughshod over it. Charge admission.
We are suddenly no longer shackled to the monolithic market to the south, with which, in its more extreme, libertarian modes we have always had stark divergences in values and in public policy.
How does Picton Terminals' rock quarrying relate to the question of a variance for P & H? Perhaps just in the fact that none of the destruction was allowed to enter the consideration of the question at hand. It was, as they say, the elephant in the room.
The Ford government’s shocking dismantling of public education, healthcare, affordable housing and environmental protections over the past seven years, policies we are seeing writ large south of the border, allies Premier Ford with President Trump.
The news for some time now has made it clear that real life is under siege.
There are no facts, only opinions, and if you believe in facts, you have the wrong ones.
Amalgamation brought about a system designed to protect a patchwork of small wards and hamlets from the overbearing “urban centres” of Picton and Wellington. Keep everyone honest and dispel fears the little guys from South or North Marysburgh were going to get lost in the shuffle in the brave new world of a unified County.
Our sense of home keeps us centered no matter where we are
Gratitude may be the hardest emotion. You need the confidence to be both generous and humble — to recognize and to be recognized. It is also probably the most necessary emotion. We are fundamentally social beings, indebted to one another in ways large and small.
MSNBC’s Morning Joe has lost half of its audience since the election. That’s not much of a surprise. Who wants to tune in for the televised betrayal of a respected political commentator before they’ve even had a cup of coffee? Read about the travails of our man in Washington as the Trumpocalypse gets well underway.
That a crew of placemakers, designers, and developers are intent on reviving the old Camp Picton, turning it into the centrepiece of a series of villages offering multiple new ways of living here, is an unprecedented turn of events.
Despite its promising title, the open-book exam is the absolute worst kind (except, perhaps, for the “take-home.”) Your answers are better the fuller and longer they are. If you skip a question, or a consultation, beware.
The Community Services, Programs and Initiatives department has, together with the County Arts Council and The County Foundation, devised a plan to direct a portion of the municipality’s tourism revenues to fostering the arts. The plan makes perfect sense. Our arts organizations not only make this a flourishing, vibrant and utterly unique place to live, but draw great quantities of high-spending visitors.
See it in the newspaper