Prince Edward County’s Newspaper of Record
July 27, 2024
20° Mainly Clear
July 24, 2024

On the Cover

"Dunes Beach at Sunrise" by Ian Brown

July 24, 2024

Renowned essayist David Frum to discuss the continuing Trumpocalypse

July 24, 2024

No agreement on a new licensed daycare in Athol

July 24, 2024

Dr. Leroy Hall meant so much to so many

July 24, 2024

Wellington's Kolby Parks takes first leg of 2024 World Cup street luge championship

July 22, 2024

The Picton Gazette is looking for a part-time Rural/Urban Development Reporter. The position is funded by the Local Journalism Initiative.

Living History: 1914


County Roads

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Special Collection — Picton Terminals

Keeping an eye on activities on Picton Bay

Reporting and letters

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June 19, 2024

Out of Court

Council votes to seek a negotiated settlement with Picton Terminals — again.

Op Ed
July 17, 2024

Victor Lind considers Council's offer to settle with Picton Terminals

July 3, 2024

Council votes 7-6 to pursue a settlement with Picton Terminals

Special Collection — Development Underway

Keeping an eye on new builds

Development Projects Around the County

View collection
June 5, 2024

Questions, Questions

Audit Committee determines what needs to be asked, and who will provide the answers

June 12, 2024

Developers are everywhere. Are they mad?

May 8, 2024

A preferred solution has emerged for water infrastructure from Wellington to Picton: one water treatment plant to serve Picton and Bloomfield as well as the village.

May 8, 2024

There’s a fortuitous overlap between livability — “healthy, complete communities”   — and good design that is well worth attention. 

Land Lock

Loyalist Heights Plans sent back for the fifth time

Special Collection — History and Heritage

Stories about our past and its preservation

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Memories of D Day

June 6 is the 80th anniversary of D Day, the turning point of World War II

May 29, 2024

“What if heritage came first?” asks Peter Lockyer. “Not as an afterthought, not after the roads. But if it was the first thing we did, because it's the most important thing we have.”

May 1, 2024

Two recent books are entries in a special genre. Neither quite history nor entirely fiction, they imagine the past in intriguing ways.

July 24, 2024
<p>The Millennium Trail rest stop at Salem Road was officially opened last week. Attending the ribbon cutting (From left) was principal materials donor Bev Skidmore, Ameliasburgh councillors Sam Grosso and Janice Maynard, Mayor Steve Ferguson, PEC Trails Committee Chair Gregor Stuart, Hillier councillor Chris Braney and Picton councillor Phil St. Jean. (Supplied Photo)</p>

Salem Road Stop

Latest Millennium Trail Rest Stop complete with a bike repair station, a garden, and some history, too



Gone, but not forgotten

October 22, 1936 - July 14, 2024
September 1, 1935 - July 9, 2024
August 20, 1953 - July 13, 2024

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Canada’s oldest weekly newspaper
© 2024 The Picton Gazette
Since 1830
Funded by the Government of Canada
Ontario Community Newspapers Association