On Councillor Sam's Place, noise in the neighbourhood, the Economic Snapshot, and Trump's threats.
Protest Wednesday at 6:30 to Say No to the MZO! Lament for the White Cliffs of Picton.
Idiots at the Gazette, Affordable Housing, and Base31's plans.
This week's letters are all concerned with the Wrecking Crew, and a dysfunctional Council.
The MZO for Picton Terminals, and Councillors who oppose but are not willing to debate.
Readers write about Base31, and ask what's not to like about giving Picton Terminals an MZO.
Week of October 9 showcases letters from Doug Ostrander, Carol Lee, JC Sulzenko, and David Kirkwood
National Newspaper Week, CAFF Opening Gala, and Miss Supertest on Show
Election Endorsements, Deputations at Council, and Suzanne Pasternak are on readers' minds.
Support for a Grain Port, Pets trapped in cars, the Town Hill, and Development at Delhi Park.
On the Goodmans Legal Letter, Grain Elevators on Picton Bay, and the Waterworks Fact Check.
An Open Letter to Minister Calandra, and worries about park space in new development
See it in the newspaper