-The bright moonlight nights have come again.
-Foggy weather these mornings interferes with navigation.
-The roads throughout the country are reported exceptionally good.
-The long deferred cement walk leading to the cemetery is now being constructed.
-The bright cheering sunshine and warmer weather would seem to indicate that our fall fairs had been held too soon.
-Fall ploughing, apple picking, potato digging, and root pulling makes an exceptionally busy time with farmers.
-Good progress is now being made in the laying of cement walks in town, the fine weather of the past few days affording an excellent opportunity for pushing along the work.
-Through a 25c ad. in The Gazette Mr. F. E. Walden recovered his lost dog, a, valuable Collie. It pays to advertise in The Gazette, where favorable results, are always obtained.
-The evaporators throughout the country are now running of full time, many fruit growers preferring to market their fruit in this way rather than barrel them for shipment, owing to the low price offered.
– Everyone seemed to thoroughly enjoy the bright weather which prevailed Sunday. Pedestrians took long walks, viewing the beauties of nature, and enjoying the delightful autumn tints of the foliage, and the panoramic view of landscape, hill, valley, and bay. Rigs were at a premium, and everyone who could beg or borrow one took long and pleasant drives into the country.
-A shipment of hogs was made to-day.
-It would seem that the weather machinery must have slipped a cog as we are now having regular September weather.
-Three Mammoth mangolds have been left at The Gazette office, which were grown on the premises or Mrs. Welsh, Picton. They are very large specimens of these roots and it will be found hard to beat these Beets.
See it in the newspaper