The delightful twilight musicale of “Fairy Tales in Music,” given Wednesday afternoon, February 24th in the cosy drawing-rooms of Mrs. (Dr.) Branscombe, added another to the number of past pleasures of last week. The members of the Picton Music Club have every reason to be justly proud of the splendid group of artists who gave such an enjoyable afternoon. Owing to the inclemency of the weather a large number were denied the unqualified pleasure the programme yielded, but those undaunted by the February thaw and accompanying deluge were fully repaid, and are indebted to the Music Club for such a high class entertainment, which was pronounced by all present, a grand success.
Mrs. Branscombe met the arrivals with a glad welcome, while the cosy surroundings and warm atmosphere soon made them forget the storm raging without. Among the appreciative audience could be seen the knitters, they knitted steadily with a concentration that was beautiful to see. Funny how we fall into line when necessity demands?
The 39th Battalion drilling at Picton, will look gayer than ever when they don their new uniforms which are to be issued in the near future. They are a fine body of men and deserve new uniforms that will fit the men. New recruits are coming in all the time, six having joined the past week.
The Armory is a very busy place and each week adds new developments. The latest is the arrival of Sargeant Gilliess of Halifax, who is in town instructing the Provisional School now in training at the Armory. The Major will remain about six weeks to complete the work.
The officers are all coming out decked in their new spring military suits and my, they look fine!
Pay day now comes twice a month, which is appreciated by all. On entering the Officers’ Room one would be led to believe they were doing a banking business when pay day comes around, so numerous are the cheques. During the month of February the sum of $3500.00 was pard out to officers, men and families depending on the Fund.
See it in the newspaper