“Good better, best,
Never let it rest,
Till your good is better
And your better best.”
The above words are quite applicable to the present progress of the squadron on West end Centre St., being now reinforced by fresh recruits from East Mary and West Main St.
On Thursday last, as the day was far spent and the night fast coming on, there was a hustle in the camp preparing for a fresh attack. The flanks on the right and left were called together and all officers and mess men were kept busy. Shortly they were encompassed on the corner of Elm St., orders were given and the whole company marched in a westerly direction for a short distance, where an attempt was made to storm the stately residence of William Crawford. Our objective was easily captured and no resistance was offered from the inmates. After gaining peaceful possession, the company proceeded to carry out their plans which was to be a celebration of Mrs. Crawford’s birthday. The result was not disastrous by any means. We were admitted to all parts of the house. Baskets, boxes and numerous other containers were placed on the table until it groaned beneath their weight. The ladies were kept into service until all was cut and carved. It was then served to the officers and privates until each one was filled to their utmost capacity, and superior to anything they yet had had, more especially the cake of honor which had been prepared by the captain’s wife, Mrs. Willie Noxon, proving her great ability as an excellent maker in the line of pastry. On the cake were placed upwards of fifty candles, the ignition was made by Miss Vera, daughter of the hostess. All was darkness save the light from the candles which gave an impressive illumination. In accordance with Shakespeare’s theory the hostess is now living in her sixth age in life’s journey.
Great enthusiasm prevailed the entire evening over the programme which followed. At the close Mrs. Vangesen moved a vote of thanks which was seconded by Mrs. W. Vanblaricom to which all responded in the usual manner. The hostess expressed herself as being happily honored with the assembly of her neighbors and friends in gathering together to make this an eventful birthday. At this moment all joined in singing “For she’s a Jolly good Fellow.” As the troops formed for their departure they returned their objective prize already won, back to their former owner, wishing both host and hostess a long and happy life.
See it in the newspaper