Wellington branch of the Bank of Nova Scotia was robbed of $1,190 in silver during the week end. The theft was not discovered until late Monday afternoon when employees went to secure the coins for shipment.
The money was kept in the vault. Other currency was in the safe in the vault. An attempt to open the safe was unsuccessful.
Entrance to the bank’s vault was gained by drilling a hole through four layers of brick. The burglars worked in the shelter of a coal shed built against the rear of the bank on the part of the wall next to the vault.
Ernest Parliament, who lives in an apartment above the bank told police he had heard no unusual sounds from below during either Saturday or Sunday night.
Before leaving the scene of the burglary the thieves took great pains to replace the cash boxes, books and files which had been disturbed in making their entry to the vault. When they had crawled back through the opening they carefully filled the hole with bricks again. It was because of these precautions that the theft was not discovered until late Monday afternoon.
Provincial Police Inspector Gardiner, of Belleville, is investigating the burglary, assisted by Constable Gillis Ingram, of Wellington, and County Constable James Lovelace. Police would give no statement as to whether they suspected the theft to be the work of local or outside persons, although they admitted that they were working on a definite clue.
According to Provincial Police theory it is believed that the robbers had definite knowledge of the layout of the building before they attempted the robbery some time over the week end. “The vault at the bank has three sides and the roof made of steel reinforced concrete, while the rear is built of four thicknesses of brick. It was through this rear wall that the robbers gained entrance.
A power drill was evidently used but has not been discovered, and where the power was secured to operate it is a mystery as it is not believed that a storage battery would have sufficient power.
Of the $1,190 taken, $30 of it was in U. S. nickels. Coppers were left behind.
Seek Young Men
Police are anxious to get in touch with two young men who thumbed a ride from Belleville a week ago Tuesday. The two young men requested a ride with Mr. Frank Morden, of Picton, who was accompanied by Mr. L. A. VanSkiver. They got out at the corner near Bloomfield, stating they were going to Wellington. Later, Mr. Morden reported that a box of stationery had disappeared from the car. Whether these young men are connected with the case is not known.
Monday night, County Constable Lovelace kept guard over the safe but there was no effort to make a second attempt to break in. Police are following up a number of clues.
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