An opportunity has been presented to the town to purchase the Barker property at a very reasonable sum. Of the possible locations, this property is perhaps as ideal as any for a recreation centre, and park.
Such a project might envision a Community Centre gradually built up and equipped to provide summer and winter recreational facilities for young and old. It is possible that ownership and responsibility for maintenance might be vested in a Parks Commission while the costs of equipping the centre and supervising the recreation might be the responsibility of local citizens and Service organizations.
Planning of such a centre would call for visits to other centres where such projects have already been completed. No time should be lost in drawing up plans. This is essential before any definite steps are taken.
The house on the property might be left as it is and used for various purposes until it could be replaced by a more suitable building.
Prince Edward County already has a War Memorial in the form of a cenotaph, and to commemorate the Fallen in this conflict, a recreation centre would be a practical memorial. There is no reason to believe that a returning war veteran would not be pleased to learn that to commemorate his service, and to honor his fallen comrades, his town has decided to provide better recreational facilities for his children, or that the children of a fallen comrade would have the opportunity of a more healthy life through a supervised playground and sports centre.
As a War Memorial, such a project would deserve consideration by the Town Council. Citizens generally and the public service organizations in particular might be expected to back the project with financial support.
The Picton Gazette is strongly behind this specific project, provided it is soundly based and promoted in such a way that it is likely to be successful and to pay its way in a large measure.
See it in the newspaper