The lengthy and winding process to see the former Queen Elizabeth elementary school property transitioned into much needed affordable housing for Prince Edward County has taken another step.
The Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board announced last week that it had received an offer of $1.37 million for the property submitted by County of Prince Edward and Prince Edward Lennox and Addington Social Services.
“HPEDSB is required to follow the process outlined in Ontario Regulation 444/98 when disposing of surplus property,” said Board spokesperson Kerry Donnell. “Now that an offer to purchase is in place, we look forward to the next steps.”
It is no secret that the municipality has had designs on the Barker Street property since the board declared it surplus five years ago. The elementary and senior schools were consolidated at PECI in 2018.
The county’s bid stalled, however, when the Algonquin and and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board superseded the County’s interest under Ontario Regulation 444/98. A proposed elementary school on Talbot St., to replace the current St. Gregory’s school, allowed ALCDSB to rescind their proposal of purchase and put the combined PELASS/County bid at the head of the line for the property.
After a closed session at the regular Council meeting June 13, Mayor Steve Ferguson announced a motion was being added to that evening’s agenda to call for the offer of conditional purchase to proceed. Staff were directed to make applications to the Housing Accelerator Fund administered by the Canada Housing and Mortgage Corporation in anticipation of a successful sale.
Mayor Ferguson said the opportunity to turn the centennial-era school into housing was an exciting prospect.
“We are pleased to move to the next stage in this process by proceeding with a conditional Purchase and Sale Agreement for the former Queen Elizabeth School in Picton,” the Mayor said. “We are hopeful this purchase will continue to move forward in the coming weeks, and we will have a successful conclusion to this exciting opportunity.”
The Mayor noted the property may not be restricted to just housing.
“We have long believed in the potential of this site to help meet some our community’s most acute needs, including affordable and attainable housing and improved access to health-care services. We look forward to having conversations about the future of this site once the purchase is finalized.”
See it in the newspaper