With Canada on the brink of a trade war with the United States, the County of Prince Edward will be buying local — and encouraging residents to do likewise.
Council is calling for a review of the municipality’s purchasing bylaw to consider measures allowing the Municipality to prioritize Canadian products and services, while maintaining compliance with applicable trade agreements and regulations.
Councillor David Harrison’s motion also calls on CAO Marcia Wallace and relevant departments to support the efforts of the Chamber of Commerce, Picton BIA, and others in encouraging residents and businesses to join the municipality in purchasing locally made and Canadian goods and services in order to protect jobs in Prince Edward County and elsewhere in Ontario.
Councillor Janice Maynard wondered about potential budget impacts and the added cost of sourcing domestic goods.
Councillor Harrison said for most run-of-the-mill purchases, the discretion in the short term would lie with the department heads.
“On larger ticket items, I would hope they would discuss that type of purchase with the CAO,” Mr. Harrison said.
Mayor Steve Ferguson confirmed that would be the case.
A copy of the motion was sent to all 444 Ontario municipalities, upper levels of government, and the Eastern Ontario Warden’s Caucus.
See it in the newspaper