Prince Edward County’s Newspaper of Record
July 26, 2024
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Good Old Prince Edward County


My dear Mr. Carter:—I duly received your letter of the 14th inst. with invitation to attend the Prince Edward Old Boys’ Fair and Reunion to be held in September next, and in reply I can only say that it will afford me the greatest possible pleasure to be present and take part in this reunion of the Sons and Daughters of Good Old Prince Edward County. My most pleasant recollections are connected with my boyhood days on the “Lakeshore” in Good Old Prince Edward County when I expected fully to remain on the old farm. In those days farming in that County was profitable, particularly in the raising of barley. On the lake shore from Wellington to “Suckey Huyck’s Point” the farmers appeared to vie with each other as to who would raise most barley. Those were the days when farmers did not think very much about whether there was a duty on agricultural implements or not, for the reason that their agricultural implements were not very numerous or very costly, and consisted of plow, harrow, grapevine cradle, scythe and snath, hand rake and pitch fork, all of which were backed up with good muscle and strong and hard work, but the farmers made more money by far, I fancy, than they do today. However, that was a good many years ago and many changes have taken place, not only in farming but in every other class of business; and farming, to be a success now instead of being a labor, is a profession.

I would very much like to see if Prince Edward County can still grow good barley, and with that in mind and with the approval of the Fair Directors I would be glad to give three prizes for the first, second and third best two bushel bags of barley.

I certainly wish the greatest success to this very interesting proposition, and will be glad not only to be present, but to aid in any way that may be possible, and you can make such use of this letter as you may desire.

Yours very truly, W. M. GERMAN, Ottawa

This text is from the Volume 194 No. 18 edition of The Picton Gazette
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