Green Task Force
The County created a Green Task Force this summer to carry out the work necessitated by its 2019 declaration of a climate emergency.
In 2021, the County joined the Partners for Climate Protection program, which helps municipalities identify likely targets for emissions reductions. There are two sets of targets, those on the corporate side, involving municipal operations and facilities, and the second on the community side, to encourage sustainability among residents and businesses.
The Task Force, which is chaired by Aaryn McNichol, Director of Corporate and Legislative services, completed its first program milestone in July. That was an inventory of greenhouse gas emissions across all facilities and operations, including buildings, streetlights, solid waste disposal, and water and wastewater pumping operations.
The Task Force is now going to Council seeking approval of its corporate emissions reduction target. On the table: a 20 per cent reduction in Greenhouse Gas emissions by 2030. The Task Force is also considering related initiatives, such as greening its fleet of cars and trucks, and setting up a green procurement process, encouraging vendors and contractors to meet higher environmental standards.
Judging from this inventory, the county has a long way to go. Below is a graph of past, present, anticipated, and reduced emissions.
See it in the newspaper