Prince Edward County’s Newspaper of Record
July 25, 2024
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December 12, 2023
Volume 193 No. 50

Toxic trail

December 7, 2023
Re: your article on November 28, 2023 about Bauxite being stored in the open at the Picton Terminals.

It is most concerning to think that such a toxic material could be sitting out in the open, in a country like Canada, and in a county like Prince Edward County.

Have we really lost all concern for the Environment in Ontario? Isn’t there a Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks that should be enforcing laws that don’t allow toxic materials to be left in the open, blowing around? Is our County Council left with no way to deal with the issue?

On November 27th, I was driving from Bloomfield and decided to go through Picton, and north on County Road 49, a very scenic route. As I approached White Chapel Road and County Road 6, I saw very red dirt all over the road. It went well past the Cement plant. I couldn’t figure out what it was, but it reminded me of the red mud I see on the roads in Prince Edward Island.

Thanks to the Gazette Article, I know that it was bauxite, and my tires were helping to spread this toxin further around the County.

This should concern all of us.

Irene Harris


This text is from the Volume 193 No. 50 edition of The Picton Gazette
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