Re: Shipping Containers and Possible Container Port
We are blessed in this part of the world with a clean drinking water supply. The idea of having it used for transporting Cathode Active Materials, a toxic substance, into our midst doesn’t make sense. A spill, if it were to happen, would adversely affect all in Picton and Bloomfield who use the municipal water service for drinking.
Our Picton Harbour is too small and shallow for big ships. Scraping the bottom of the harbour could happen if big ships were allowed to use it.
Consider what could be scraped. Not a nice scenario.
Having lived in two homes in the the County with wells, after living in the city for a number of years, I now realize how carefully we had to use those wells. They were a gift.
Let us be good stewards of the gifts we have been given. Let us use our water supply wisely.
I’m asking that we vote against the misuse of our water supply.
Eleanor Johnston
See it in the newspaper