Why would anyone negotiate with someone who is already breaking the law, someone who obviously has no respect for our community? If you know that you can be bullied once, why would you offer the potential to make it worse? If you give in to a bully, they own you. Why would they stop there?
As a former Councillor, it was clear to me, even before I ran for Council, that no one in this community would ever want this to happen. So, why is this Council deaf to the voices of our community? No clue. Because these negotiations are being held in secret, we have no idea of how this is going to impact the residents of the entire County, yes, the entire County. That is completely unfair.
If the Country capitulates, Picton’s water source is unquestionably at risk. This is too obvious. With the likely increase in large vehicle traffic, our already crumbling infrastructure, especially Highway 49, will be in even worse shape than it is today. Container ports are not quiet. Residents who live near the Terminal will likely experience decreased property values due to sound and light pollution, to say nothing of those on shore wells who might suddenly find mercury and arsenic in their water samples. The simple quality of the enjoyment of their property, gone. There is an extensive history of far too many reasons why this is not the right location for an industrial port.
Why has there been no public discussion? There is absolutely no apparent benefit to the community. Putting a high volume industrial commercial facility in an area that prides itself on its natural beauty, its history, its beaches, its wineries, its breweries, its incredible attraction to visitors from all over the world, simply makes no sense.
So, who benefits? That is an rather interesting, or perhaps quite ugly, question.
Stewart Bailey, North Marysburgh
The latest “closed door” (secret) version of the democratic process used by the Council and Mayor to engage once more to settle with non-negotiating Picton Terminals leaves their constituency flummoxed and angry at their hidden about turn.
Seven people decided for many thousands to drink fouled water.
Seven people decided for many thousands to not incur more financial commitment.
Seven people decided to weigh money versus health for many thousands.
Due process? Time to start the North Shore Joint Initiative with the Mohawks of Tyendinaga.
Due process? The next election. We need more Councillors with the courage to face businesses that ignore the Rule of Law.
The obvious is also being overlooked. The elected members of Council and Mayor are in a community that has fundraised many, many millions of dollars for a new hospital, a library expansion, the protracted, successful fight against White Pines wind generators and many County organizations.
Many, many residents would contribute to a fund for legally maintaining their health and well being and the essential right to safe drinking water.
Barbara Dahlman, Prince Edward County
I learned with concern of the recent decision behind closed doors to pursue a “final good faith effort to seek a negotiated agreement that will bring timely closure to the Picton Terminals litigation issue,” etc.
Picton Terminals has been consistent in its noncompliance, past and planned, with County bylaws and laws. In brief, there has been no “good faith” from that end.
So the obvious question is why two-thirds of Councillors and the Mayor would assume that the party with whom they are negotiating would put any weight on any decision from Council? The best way to predict future behaviour is to look at past behaviour.
The implication is, if you are big enough (and have enough cash), you can break the law and wait for a good faith negotiation with the lawmakers. This attitude is definitely not in our best interest as a whole PEC community: the issue extends far beyond Picton–Bloomfield water drinkers.
Councillors, why not invite the public to express their thoughts before committing further to a decision that looks unreasonable and sets a bad precedent.
And to anyone in the PEC community who is concerned about such a precedent, consider sharing your view now with your representatives.
Deborah Schuller, Picton
See it in the newspaper