With a federal election fast approaching, I am writing to draw readers’ attention to an imminent threat to Canada’s cultural sovereignty – one whose urgency grows by the day, as President Donald Trump continues his unprovoked economic attacks on our country.
Following decades of underfunding and institutional neglect from governments of all political stripes, the CBC now finds itself in the crosshairs of Pierre Poilievre’s Conservatives, who are promising to defund it altogether.
We cannot stand by and let this happen. Canadians rely on the CBC for information, news, and entertainment that speaks to their daily realities and reaffirms their shared values. Defunding our national public broadcaster would inflict immeasurable harm on our communities, on our Canadian identity, and on our democratic health as a country.
Thankfully, the CBC doesn’t belong to the politicians. It belongs to us, the Canadian public – and it’s time we put our foot down. At this critical moment in history, Canadians from all walks of life are closing ranks around our storied institutions. And we expect our elected officials to do the same. We won’t stand for vague promises, and we certainly won’t tolerate any more threats to our shared way of life – foreign or domestic.
That’s why I am standing with Friends of Canadian Media and its hundreds of thousands of supporters this election. When we head to the polls, we’ll be voting to save the CBC. If the federal party leaders want to secure our vote, they have to stand up and support our national public broadcaster.
Shannon Markuschewsky, Belleville
Every morning. Every morning we wake up and decide how to tackle the needs in our day. Should we dare turn on the news to find out what’s going on “out there”?
More and more it seems that chaos is the order of the day. “Elbows up!” is the national cry to rally Canadians to hyperfocus on our own businesses to help us through what will undoubtedly be a trying time.
Provincially we have again voted in the pit bull to stand up to the bully in the playground. Like his politics or not, this is Doug Ford’s moment.
Then we see what is happening in our own backyard. What is our battle cry? Who is our pit bull? When the Councillors we voted in are not listening to the taxpayers who put them in their seats, what do we do?
Time and time again, we make deputations. We protest outside Shire Hall. We ask for reason, compromise, and respect. It all seems to fall on deaf ears. Did Council listen to the hundreds and hundreds who asked them to oppose Picton Terminals? Who exactly benefits from the possible MZO? Is there a way to meet the shipping needs of the farms in the County without blasting the limestone cliffs?
Who exactly is championing that alternative? Thank God for the four resourceful and dedicated residents who are willing and able to take PT to court. But wait! Wasn’t that Council’s responsibilty?
When taxpayers protested the size of the Fawcetteville development, or the Nicholas Street development, or currently the Queen Elizabeth development, who on Council is taking up that challenge and listening to the people?
When Councillor Chris Braney says, “A development like this could completely destroy the fabric of the community,” (Picton Gazette, February 19), is anyone listening?
I agree with Dorothy Bothwell when she says, “Residents are losing trust and confidence in Council governance, decision making, and follow-through on commitments.” (Picton Gazette, February 19)
In fact, I think that is a gross understatement.
Councillor Braney is right. The buck must stop here. We must as a community demand better.
We cannot afford to wait until 2026 to make the needed changes. When Council starts putting the profits of developers ahead of the needs of the community, we know there is a serious problem and the status quo simply will not do anymore.
Yes, Picton does need more affordable housing. What we do not need are the hundreds of “at market” units that current developers say must stand alongside them. If current developers say that that can’t be done, then we are talking to the wrong developers!
Time for the chaos to stop.
Time for Council to act responsibily on our behalf.
Time to grow better, not bigger!
Barbara Mason, Picton
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