A few days ago, business called us to visit a person in the Township of Hillier, and we drove through the thriving villages of Bloomfield, and Wellington, the former about five miles from Hallowell, the latter about twelve. In that neighborhood the crops are looking uncommonly well, and at present there is every prospect of a most abundant harvest; we passed by some most beautiful fields of wheat, in as good condition as any we have ever seen; all other kinds of grain appear equally thriving, and in some fields, Indian corn was very luxuriant. We were surprised to find that Hops are so little cultivated, for the soil generally speaking is well suited to them, and if they are properly managed, they would amply remunerate the grower; for large quantities of hops, are annually imported from Rochester, and other parts of the United States, and if the owners can afford to pay the expenses of freight &c. and still make a handsome profit on them, surely our farmers would find it worth while to turn their attention to them. The road from Hallowell to Wellington is really delightful, at this season of the year; the well cleared and highly cultivated farms, called forth our admiration, and attest the industry and care of their owners; while the neat little dwellings, which one by one are presented to the view incline us to say with the poet, that
“if there is peace to be met with on earth,
The heart that is humble might hope for it here.”
In this neighborhood, with scarcely a single exception, the land holders are perfectly independent, the hard times can but slightly affect them. Their farms are all paid for, and the well stocked stores in their vicinity, supply them with every thing they want or wish, for they have not yet learned to covet luxuries.
We returned home well pleased with our excursion, and wishing that out of the numerous emigrants possessed of capital, who are now thronging the Steam Boats on Lake Ontario, some few may turn aside and take up their abode in the District of Prince Edward, and we feel assured that if they listen to our advice and come amongst us, they will never repent their choice.
See it in the newspaper