Two taken in custody in connection with the attempted robbery of the Wellington branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce at 8.30 in the morning, when after a desperate struggle to overcome Manager Norval Kyle, they were forced to flee.
Following the finding of the car thought to have been used by the bandits near Rose Hall at 10.30 in the morning, the police, with posses of citizens, organized a man-hunt and after several hours’ persistent searching a party of armed men discovered the bandits hiding in the underbrush five miles out of Wellington, near the abandoned car. When challenged the youths surrendered. They had one gun which they handed over. Questioned as to their reasons for staging the hold up they replied: “We just got tough.”
The robbers had, it is believed, entered the bank premises by a rear door, and were present when R. M. Watson, teller, entered the bank about 8 o’clock.
The bandits seized Mr. Watson from behind, and although he put up a plucky scrap, overcame him and tied him hand and foot, dragging him to the cellar. On entering the bank Mr. Kyle was confronted with a sawed-off shot-gun and told to open the safe. He refused and a terrific struggle took place in which Manager Kyle was badly injured when one of the bandits beat him about the head with a gun barrel while he was engaged in fighting off the first man. Scared off by the arrival of citizens the bandits fled, only taking about $40 secured from Watson’s pockets. They left the shotguns behind.
Read the full coverage of this exciting event, as well as the swift justice delivered the following week by clicking here.
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