McDonald and McCall Escape From Jail
On Saturday afternoon last James McDonald and Russell McCall escaped from the County Jail. The prisoners were allowed the use of the jail yard and by securing a rope which they tied to a grating in the rear of the jail, they were enabled to make their escape shortly after the noon hour. The police were immediately notified. Chief Cooper went to Wellington to overtake the freight which had gone out and searched it, thinking the prisoners might be secreted thereon. The escaped prisoners it is said, came up into the main part of the town past Wright’s canning factory, and west on Mary street past chief Cooper’s residence, from there to Main street, going west on Main street, calling at a grocery store in the west end where they purchased some cigars, and followed the road to Bloomfield. At Bloomfield it is said, they attempted to hire a horse and rig, but not succeeding, continued on foot. Chief Cooper not locating them in Wellington, telephoned to Bloomfield for an auto to meet him there and take him to Picton. The driver of the auto on his way from Bloomfield to Wellington overtaking McDonald and McCall invited them to ride with him which they did, and proceeded with them to meet chief Cooper at Wellington, who arrested them at once and brought them back to Picton. Upon their return to the jail they were searched and quite a sum of money was found upon them. This money was not in their possession when they escaped.
See it in the newspaper