Despite the rain outside, there was a warm feeling in the sanctuary of St. Mary Magdalene Anglican Church on Saturday night. The hall was populated by concertgoers and this summer’s Music at Port Milford students. The latter had been studying all week with the evening’s performers, pianist Angela Park, and former members of the Linden Quartet, re-uniting after nearly a decade.
Felix Umansky. (Jason Parks/Gazette Staff)
The musicians, members of the long-established Music at Port Milford program, were clearly happy to be on stage. The intensity of their performances made it apparent that they knew they had to “walk the walk,” as violist Eric Wong put it, after coaching new students all week.
Highlights included Ms. Park’s performance of a new piece by Darren Sigesmund, “Regeneration,” an accessible modern reflection upon the state of the world, with touches of Duke Ellington and Erik Satie, which conveys a quiet optimism. The Linden Quartet played Mendelssohn’s 5th string quartet with great energy and authority. Their simpatico had not waned over their years apart. Watching each player’s eyes engage with the others, seeing their smiles, tracing their movement and even their breathing, added to the pleasure of the music itself.
There’s nothing like hearing music in person, made by talented and dedicated musicians.
Music at Port Milford runs until August 6, with faculty concerts at St. Mary Magdalene on Saturdays and student performances at Milford on Sundays, as well as other, casual “busking” events. For full information, see
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