The Wellington Community Association’s Joanna Green came to Council last week to detail the municipality’s poor communication around the closure of Wellington Main St. during water and sewer trunk construction.
The new watermain and sewer lines are essential to maintain current service and to prepare for incoming housing development.
“As I understand it, the need for a complete closure of the road is due to a straightforward and standard engineering principle for digging trenches,” said Ms. Green, who described the mathematical formula for the road closure.
“Yet I am still hearing my neighbours and many other angry Wellington residents question the closure, wondering why one lane couldn’t remain open for traffic or emergency vehicles throughout the construction period,” Ms. Green continued.
She said clearer information from the County on the necessity for and impacts of the road closure could have headed off the frustration — not to mention needless detours.
Ms. Green noted there are detour signs at entrances to Main St. on Loyalist Parkway and Belleville St. — yet for the most part the road is open.
Ms. Green canvassed businesses on Wellington Main Street, and noted “each proprietor expressed the same frustration: no communication from the municipality and no specific person at Shire Hall to call upon with questions.”
“Even more concerning is that most reported they were completely unaware that a road closure was in the works — until the road closure sign went up or they saw the work starting.”
According to Ms. Green, community residents, business owners, and visitors are struggling to keep up with the closures, detours, and disruptions to water service.
“We understand that traffic disruptions are inevitable during this type of construction, and of course some inconvenience to residents is to be expected,” she said. But the extended shut down will have “serious and, in some cases, potentially dire implications for Wellington and other County residents.”
Part of the Millennium Trail between Clemenson Street and Wellington on the Lake is closed as of December 18th. It is to be used for emergency service access during the construction period. Ms. Green said she’s skeptical of the viability of this route for emergency vehicles based on its condition.
Corey Englesdorfer, the Councillor for Wellington, said that communication from Shire Hall has been “more reactive than proactive.
“I must admit that there are days where I’m learning of road closures or trail closures or water shut offs from residents calling me asking for answers,” he said.
“Obviously the communication has not been ideal,” noted County CAO Marcia Wallace. “I will say we have staff that have engaged with all of the local businesses and we have signage being printed now that will signal that the businesses are still open.”
Ms. Wallace added that communication to residents and businesses on how to cope with the changes is scheduled to go out before Christmas.
The County released an update on the News and Notices webpage a day after the deputation with more details, including timelines. Single lane closure is scheduled to begin the week of January 6th and full road closure will commence the week after. The municipality anticipates the project will be completed by the end of 2025.
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