On May 9, Prince Edward County Council passed a resolution declaring intimate partner violence an epidemic, pursuant to recommendation #1 of the Renfrew Inquest. The County joins several municipalities across the province in making this resolution.
The Renfrew Inquest was created in response to the 2015 deaths of Carol Culleton, Anastasia Kuzyk, and Nathalie Warmerdam. All three women were killed by the same man who was a past partner of all three and who had a history of violence.
Alternatives for Women Executive Director Julie Watson
86 recommendations were made by the inquest, including that Ontario declare intimate partner violence an epidemic. The provincial government has not made that declaration.
This resolution was brought forward by Councillor Kate McNaughton and seconded by Councillor Phil St-Jean. Council passed the motion unanimously.
Julie Watson, Executive Director of Alternatives for Women, expressed this is a significant step in demonstrating support to survivors and spreading awareness of this issue.
“The recommendations from the Renfrew Inquest need to be enacted and taken seriously as they were made so we can stop having to read the names of women like Carol Culleton, Anatasia Kuzyk and Nathalie Warmerdam, who we have lost to gender-based violence,” said Watson.
Alternatives for Women is a non-profit organization that provides free and confidential supportive counselling and second stage housing to women in Prince Edward County facing intimate partner violence and abuse.
Although nearly half of all women in Canada will experience some form of intimate partner violence in their lifetime, rural women-such as those living in the County-are more liable to be affected by this societal ill.
Some disturbing facts:
(VAW Learning Network, 2021)
If you are in need of support please call the Alternatives for Women crisis line at 613-476-2787 or visit the website at
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