Organizers of the 2023 Pioneer Healthcare Val MacDonald Golf for Hospice have started planning for another successful tournament this September.
The money raised from this day is applied to the approximately $200,000 needed each year to maintain free services at Hospice Prince Edward for patients and families in the Prince Edward County community dealing with end of life experiences.
“It is important to remind people that government funding provided by LHIN is only applicable to nursing services. All other costs have to be covered by donations,” said Tournament organizer Kevin Gale.
On Friday September 15th, 2023 Hospice Prince Edward will be hosting its 5th annual fall golf tournament at the Picton Golf Club to help raise funds to offset these costs. This event has become a very popular annual fundraiser within our community and has raised close to $125,000 over the past 3 years.
Last year’s tournament and online Silent Auction raised an amazing $51,000 and a very generous donation from the local Eastern Star Lodge of $25,000 put our total for 2022 at $76,000.
There are still some golf spots available. The cost of $175 per golfer includes golf, cart, BBQ lunch and roast beef dinner in the club house after the event. If you wish to sponsor a hole or donate a gift for the online Silent Auction, email [email protected] or call 613-645-4040. The increasingly popular online Silent Auction will run from September 12th– September 19th. You can learn more about Hospice Prince Edward at
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