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April 17, 2024

To Greece and Back

PECI Students enjoy trip to Greece
<p>PECI students visit the ancient Olympic Stadium at Olympia. (Supplied Photo)</p>
PECI students visit the ancient Olympic Stadium at Olympia. (Supplied Photo)

PECI students and chaperones returned home from Greece after a ten-day March break excursion with newfound knowledge of ancient Greece and some unforgettable memories.

On March 10th, 28 students and a handful of chaperones traveled to the cradle of democracy. The tour gave students a fresh understanding of how new experiences can affect their lives.

The Acropolis and Greece’s beautiful seaside cities were among many highlights for the group. Grade 11 PECI student Sofie Eskins said her favourite destination was definitely Thessaloniki, a port city on the Thermaic Gulf of the Aegean Sea.

“That day’s trip was a good combination of city and nature. If you looked in one direction you could see restaurants, shops, and cars, but if you looked in the other, the ocean was right there”. 

During the trip, students and chaperones learned about the country’s rich history, from ancient Greece and the stories from Greek mythology, to the development of democracy and thought. Settings of important events from the ancient times to today were a regular part of the day excursions.

PECI students visit the ancient Olympic Stadium at Olympia. (Supplied Photo)

“The buildings that we consider old in North America are no comparison to the age of the buildings and sites we toured,” PECI teacher Laurie Spencer said. 

Homesickness and the daily grind of bus trips to hilly locations did take its toll.

“I had never traveled that far or without my family before and I had to deal with motion sickness from driving up and down mountains every day. We ate different foods, had jetlag and adjust to how different Greek etiquette is,” Ms. Eskins added.

As students adjusted to new environments and ways of living, they all experienced a new growth within themselves. “Students worked through the fear of homesickness and conquered areas that didn’t speak English as a first language. They showed a growth in the kind of independence that will soon be needed for post-secondary life,” Laurie Spencer said.

Now that students are back in Prince Edward County, they are adjusting back into their daily routines. Ms. Spencer and the guides hope students enjoyed being immersed in a new culture, appreciated new experiences, and developed a love of international travel. 

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