Artificial Intelligence, or AI, has raised the stakes in fraud calls to a whole new level. Seniors in particular need to take care, but anybody could fall for a scam that employs voice impersonation.
New technology can take a five-minute phone conversation and build conversational phrases that sound authentic.
Now, a scammer doesn’t need to sound like a grandchild who has run afoul of the law and is in need of bail money. A computer can generate a voice that sounds identical to a loved one in distress.
“In the ‘grandparents scam,’ a scammer might call 100 people a day and try that pitch. Now, with AI, they can do that as many times as the computer will allow. And the more people they can reach, the more victims there will be,” warned Prince Edward OPP Constable Aaron Miller.
PC and Community Services Officer Aaron Miller. (Jason Parks/Gazette Staff)
The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Financial Crime Services and Anti-Rackets Branch want to alert seniors to frauds that target a life’s savings. These fraudsters ruin lives.
While our demographics — PEC has many seniors — mean this message is being amplified locally, the OPP warns that fraudsters do not discriminate when it comes to victims.
In 2022, the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (CAFC) received fraud reports totalling a staggering $531 million in victim losses. A quarter of those, or $138 million, were reported by seniors.
Seniors lose on average 33 per cent more money than any other demographic. Worse, the CAFC thinks only 5 to 10 per cent of victims report scams and frauds.
“One of the pillars of the updated Community Safety and Well-Being plan for Prince Edward County (PEC) is support for seniors. This means fraud education and awareness, something the OPP are always working on, but which we want to highlight in particular as it is Seniors’ Month,” said Prince Edward OPP detachment commander John Hatch.
“In 2022, PEC recorded over $600,000 lost to fraud. Fraudsters are using rapidly evolving technology to their advantage and will continue to get better. Be sure to stay current on trends and do not be afraid to reach out for assistance,” continued Mr. Hatch.
Constable Miller noted that while Seniors’ Month was a good time to raise awareness, “our crime statistics tell us all ages are susceptible to fraud.”
“Some of the more recent scams target middle-aged and younger people through social media.”
PC Miller said police are trying to keep up with technology as it changes, but new technology —whether through phone calls, text messages, email or social media links — keeps the most calculating fraudsters one step ahead.
AI can scour the web for information on a potential victim — and their family. Where it might take a human being hours to mine social media for data, AI can do it in seconds.
Prince Edward OPP Detachment Commander John Hatch. (Jason Parks/Gazette Staff)
“AI is going to be able to scrape all that info and then scammers will use it against people to further victimize them,” said PC Miller.
To protect yourself, Constable Miller recommends using extreme caution when talking to strangers. Just as you would tell a child approached by a stranger.
“If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is and don’t be afraid to ask questions,” he said, adding that all fraud should be reported to authorities.
“If you are out a substantial amount of money, statistics indicate you are going to be embarrassed and less likely to tell your family — but we need to shift that thinking. The OPP can’t investigate it and catch these criminals if we don’t have the information. “
PC Miller said it’s much easier to spend half an hour and get the answers to some key questions beforehand than have to launch a fraud investigation after the fact. Talk to a trusted family member, or call the OPP. Talk to anyone you trust who can help to make a decision.
According to the CAFC, in 2022 the top frauds affecting seniors were:
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