Council carries three resolutions to improve childcare, planning, and affordable housing
The County’s outgoing, interim Integrity Commissioner declined to rule on whether Councillor David Harrison violated the Code of Conduct when he voted on matters to do with Picton Terminals
Irate property owners attended Council last week worried their homes would be expropriated and demolished to make way for a new road
Home Hardware’s Adam Busscher shows his patriotic side with Canadian flag program
Tourism can be a double-edged sword. Find a striking location, an enviable place to live, full of vibrant interest, unique unto itself, and destroy it. Turn it into a cleaned up, micromanaged, staged version of what it once was. Make it into a backdrop for “experiences,” expensive accommodations, and overpriced restaurants. Let the public run roughshod over it. Charge admission.
Owners Laura Borutski and Elliot Reynolds feel like they’ve come back home.
Owners Laura Borutski and Elliot Reynolds feel like they’ve come back home.
The Grange of Prince Edward launches a full service French Country restaurant just in time for Countylicious
Keeping an eye on development at Camp Picton
View collectionThe first of the proposed “constellation” of villages is on the horizon
The 40-year career of Tyendinaga-based David R. Maracle can’t be contained within a single discipline
That a crew of placemakers, designers, and developers are intent on reviving the old Camp Picton, turning it into the centrepiece of a series of villages offering multiple new ways of living here, is an unprecedented turn of events.
Until CAFF gets traction and support, as the forum that bridges the Toronto International Film Festival and the International Festival of Authors — in a setting of outstanding natural beauty, resplendent with award-winning wineries, restaurants, and boutique hotels — it’s going to take a village. This village.
Development Projects Around the County
View collectionAbout 400 concerned residents attend standing-room-only town meeting in Wellington
Council’s Planning Committee introduces a two-step process — while opportunities for public consultation diminish.
That a crew of placemakers, designers, and developers are intent on reviving the old Camp Picton, turning it into the centrepiece of a series of villages offering multiple new ways of living here, is an unprecedented turn of events.
Gone, but not forgotten
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